Kit #1: Traffic Light
Simple kit with 3 colored leds and a button. You can programm your own automatic or manually controlled traffic light.
Alternatively you can connect external sensor and use leds to indicate it’s state. Soil moisture sensor would be a great candidate.

Kit #2: Rubber ducky
This kit emulates USB device (keyboard or mouse) and allow you to tamper with your system in numerous ways.
Want to simulate activity while you’re away – just hire a robot mouse.
Use buttons to assign different keystrokes in automated keyboard.

Kit #3: IR messenger
This kit allows to speak to any device that uses infrared remote. Use buttons to bind most used actions.
Alternative function is to recieve infrared remote control sygnals and react on it. May be you want to control 2 devices using single remote.

Kit #4: Rainbow led
Control 8 addressable leds to create beautiful visual patterns.
Or implement a game using 3 user buttons.

Kit #5: Digital Clock
This kit allows to independently control 128 leds that form a simple screen. It has onboard RTC clock and 2 buttons, so clock project is a usual suspect.
Alternatively you can create a game of snake or any other using this non-HD screen.

Crowd Supply campaign
Our Crowd Supply campaign is funded. Thanks to everyone supported our launch.
Both software and hardware documentation can be found on project’s Github. You can follow project progress at Hackaday
Where to buy
You may support our work by ordering this product at Tindie