What is it?
ATtiny1616 Development Board is a small and handy development board built around the new generation of the ATiny series. It is pin and size compatible with Arduino Nano board and can be used as its direct replacement (with certain limitations). It can be programmed using both Arduino IDE and Platformio IDE, as well as vanilla console tools.
Why ATtiny1616?
I’m a big fan of early ATtiny series chips, I even made my own ATtiny Flasher tool for productive development and a few educational kits based on ubiquitous ATtiny85. The time has come to extend my horizons and look into the modern line of ATtiny chips, specifically so called 1-series and 2-series lines of MCUs.
No need to mention that they went far ahead old series, and have resources comparable to the old ATmega series. This gave me the idea to make an Arduino Nano pin-compatible development board, so I can start using it the projects, where I’d normally pick Arduino Nano. In my practice, the best way to get familiar with new hardware is to start using it in the actual projects.
Key features
What’s included in the package

Both software and hardware documentation can be found on the project’s Github. You can follow project progress at Hackaday
Where to buy
You may support our work by ordering this product at Tindie and Elecrow